Display Einstellungen

Description of the main screen.

On the back of the display there is a power button.
The functions of the display buttons, from left - to the right:

  • Switch screen, cancel
  • Up, less
  • Down, more
  • Select, apply

Below is a description of the possible configuration presented on the screenshot.
The location of the elements depends on the theme and settings.

1. Speedometer or fast statistics, when the speed = 0.
2. Battery charge Wh.
3. Battery charge bar.
4. Phase current.
5. Information line, the content of which is changed by up and down keys. The default is Voltage and Battery Current.
6. Controller temperature bar.
7. Controller temperature.
8. Motor temperature.
9. Motor temperature bar.


Holding the two central buttons makes a screenshot of the screen.

Customize the appearance

Theme of the main screen.

Parameter Settings - On-board computer - Main screen setup - Theme
At the moment there are 3 themes suggested by users.






Fast statistics

Fast statistics shown on the main screen instead of the speedometer when the speed is zero.
5 parameters are displayed, in the future the composition of the displayed elements can be changed.
Settings - On-board computer - Main screen setup - Fast statistics = On

Progress bar setup

For temperature graphs, you can configure the display limits, through the parameters in the section Settings - On-board computer - Main screen setup
Start TMotor - minimum displayed motor temperature
End TMotor - maximum displayed motor temperature
Start TContr - minimum displayed controller temperature
End TContr - maximum displayed controller temperature
If several controllers are connected, the highest temperature of the motor or controller will be displayed.

Information line

On the main screen, you can switch the information line with the middle keys, you can configure up to 5 lines. One or two parameters can be displayed simultaneously.
Section Settings - On-board computer - Information line
Line #n - here it is selected what will be displayed in the line, if you specify only the first parameter, then only one value will be shown
Some options may not work at this time.

Information line - Cycling here you can set up automatic scrolling of lines in the specified range:
Switch mode = Manual - without scrolling
Switch mode = Auto ranged - auto-scrolling in a range of lines
Switch mode = Auto all - all info lines will scroll automatically
Cycle start - from which line will scroll
Cycle end - up to which line will scroll
Cycle time - time between scrolling

Information line - Messages
Here you can enable or disable pop-up messages by their priority. Not yet fully implemented.

Screen backlight

Section Settings - On-board computer - Screen backlight
Here you can adjust the brightness of the screen and also enable automatic brightness adjustment based on the light sensor:
Go to section Auto bright setup and set the parameter Auto bright setup = On
Backlight max. - screen brightness in full light
Backlight min. - screen brightness in the absence of light
Illumination level max. ** - the value from the light sensor, which is considered as maximum brightness
Illumination level min. ** - value with minimum brightness
Illumination level actual - shows the value from the light sensor
I recommend first setting the min / max illumination level by closing the light sensor with your finger. After that, you can adjust the brightness of the backlight. Usually I do the brightness of the night/day - 30/255, the light sensor needs to be adjusted personally. They have a large spread.

Buttons backlight

Section Settings - On-board computer - Button color and brightness
Here you can customize the color of the buttons on the main screen:
Hue - changes the color of the buttons
Saturation - makes them whiter, the smaller the value
Lightness - adjusts the brightness
Here you can also turn on the automatic brightness of the buttons by the light sensor in the Auto bright setup section, the setting is similar to the Screen backlight.

Display buttons setup

On the back of the display there is a panel with connectors (type - PHD 2.0mm).
You can connect the control buttons to the screen and configure their functions.
There are also 4 hotkeys that are activated by holding display button from the main screen.

Settings - On-board computer - Display buttons
Hotkeys are configured by selecting the appropriate function.
For each additional button there are 2 settings:
  • Input type: Switch / Button, if you connect brake handles with sensors then the type is Switch
  • Function - activated by the corresponding input, for example Add. Brake
There is a way how to check button number:
Settings - On-board computer - Information
Press the button and watch for which input value 0 changes to 1.


Switching between the screens using middle buttons.
Average speed is calculated for the time in motion.

General statistics

In the next updates there will be a reset statistics button.

Trip statistics

Statistics for the trip is reset after turning off the controller.

User statistics

User statistics is reset by holding the left button.

Password setup

It is possible to set a password on the display.
Enable the parameter Settings - On-board computer - Security - Security = On
A password will be prompted.
The default password is 1-2-3-4 (from left to right).
Enter a new password, up to 10 clicks.
Hold the right button.
Re-enter new password.
Save the settings to apply the new password.

Without a password, the controller will not respond to controls.
There is no way to recover a forgotten password.
But the password recovery function by serial will be added later.

Display heating

Display heating is used to correctly display information on the screen during the cold season, consumes about 6W

To enable and configure:
Settings - On-board computer - LCD heating - LCD heating = On
Heating temp = 25 (degrees Celsius, for example).

Speed sensor

Display supports 2 ways to determine speed:

  • according to the information from the controller
  • by speed sensor, which is connected to the screen (reed switch)

Controller speed

This method is suitable for direct-drive or mid-drive motors without clutch or freewheel.

External sensor speed

  • Connect the speed sensor, which is used, for example, in a cycle computer according to the display schematic.

Further in section Settings - On-board computer - Data sources specify:

  • Speed source = Display
  • Wheel circumference - specify the wheel circumference in mm.

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